08 jul Meet Ruben Venema | host of Pitch Night 17
Meet our host of Pitch Night 17: Ruben Venema, owner of By Jarmusch
//Could you tell us a bit about yourself and By Jarmusch?
My name is Ruben Venema. I’m the co-founder and owner of by Jarmusch. We started our breakfast diner because we wanted to create a breakfast restaurant that men wouldn’t mind gong to with their girlfriends. Growing up in Canada the diner culture always fascinated me. I love the hospitality of free coffee re-fills and generous portions of food for not to much money. We tries to capture all those aspects into the diner.
Photo by Marieke Odekerken
//Why did you want to host a Pitch Night of Awesome Foundation Rotterdam?
I am a previous winner of the Awesome Foundation grant. Next to my restaurant responsibilities I also do a lot of festival work. We come up with games and activities to play at events. I submitted my idea “Jurassic Parkour” and won. With the money I bough the inflatable t-rex costumes I needed for the game. Because of that the Awesome Foundation has always been close to my heart and I will always like to contribute where I can, like hosting a Pitch Night.
//You’ll have a vote at the Pitch Night. What kind of ideas do you like?
I like idea’s that are simple yet brilliant. Like adding audio tours to public transportation. Having a tandem bike ride scavenger hunt to fill your picnic basket. I also look for feasibility. Can the pitch make it happen for €1000 or does the idea need more thought before its funded. I like the ideas to be on the market within 6 months of the grant.
Meet Ruben and his colleagues at Pitch Night 17 on July 10th at the awesome location: By Jarmusch!
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